Brand name: Duloxetine
- Cymbalta
- $166
- $29.62
- 82%
The lowest price for generic Cymbalta (Duloxetine) with EzRx Drug Card is $29.62 for a 30-day supply. This is 82% off on the drug’s average retail price of $166.
Cymbalta is used to treat depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and nerve pain associated with diabetes (diabetic peripheral neuropathy). Cymbalta belongs to a class of drugs known as selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant (SSNRI). The medicine may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level, and decrease nervousness. It can decrease pain due to certain medical conditions. Cymbalta is also used to treat chronic pain disorder (fibromyalgia) and muscle and joint pains.
How to take it
The medication is usually taken orally one or two times a day. If you have nausea, taking Cymbalta with food will help.
To minimize your risks of side effects, you may be prescribed a low dose initially that may gradually be increased. Take the medication strictly as prescribed by your physician.
Precautions and side effects
Continue taking the medication regularly even if you feel well, do not stop taking it unless advised by your doctor as some conditions may worsen if the medication is stopped abruptly. Side effects of Cymbalta may include electric shock like sensation, sleep changes, dizziness and confusion. It should not be used if you have narrow angle glaucoma, a condition in which there is sudden buildup of fluid behind the iris in eye, and may require emergency medical eye treatment.
Disclaimer: The information and content posted on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as a replacement for medical advice. Always seek medical advice from a medical professional for diagnosis or treatment, including before embarking on and/or changing any prescription medication or for specific medical advice related to your medical history.